Construction sites normally produce high amounts of waste, especially if soil contaminations have to be removed. In the case of removed soils, contaminated or clean, the correct definition referring to the waste legislation is of high importance. This should have been done already, when the excavators begin their work because the examination of soils and waste materials by probe sampling an laboratory analisis take some days.
Because removing high tonnanges of material produce relevant cost effects already by small differences of disposal costs per ton, a professional waste management helps reducing costs. Besides, removed soils, even contaminated, oftenly can be recycled on the site. |
A waste managementof wahmhoff consult initially consists of reviews of all existing examinations and adaptation of excavation plans, this to avoid dispensable analysis. These data will be completed by additional soundings and arranged to a waste management concept. This concept furtherly can be used for calculations and quotation requests. Realising the project, the compliance of the waste management concept will be secured by technical monitoring. |